Recommendations for auth setup
I've been rolling Auth0 with the nextjs library for Auth0. Now I need to do a full re-write of the site and I'm considering other auth options. Allot of auth0's features cost money, the admin UI is terrible and the login screen we get form auth0 could be more sexy
Whatever happens I'm shifting to NextAuth, but what providers do you guys prefer? I want email+password login, about 10-20 users a month. O365/Google login would also be nice, but is not necessary.
I don't mind self hosting, the most important part is a good DX and ability to store data about users (like what they should have access too)
Been looking at self hosted supabase and just "pure" NextAuth with Postgres. People on reddit say Firebase is cool, but I don't know how much I trust google.
And if supabase is what people like, next auth with supabase vs supabase SDK? So many choices ):
8 Replies
To determine the best solution you should also probably look at the rest of your stack.
If you are hosting your data on a Postgres db somewhere like railway, or if you are using a solution like planetscale then adding the models for nextauth is super easy and it does support credentials (log in with email and password) but I wouldn’t recommend it at all.
If you are using something like firebase for your data then use that for auth.
Storing credentials though is a a risky business that can super easily avoid if you use nextauth with oauth2 providers like Google etc.
It seems easier. But I also want a custom login screen (not possible with Auth0 at least) and the ability to easily programatically add data to users. Supabase seems simple enough to self host, haven't looked too much into firebase. oath2 providers could be an option, but only business will log inn and they expect email + password login
Unless you want native mobile apps I don’t see why you couldn’t just go with nextauth and host the data wherever you will store the rest of your data. Like I use planetscale for my data and upstash with redis for the session store of nextauth it works well! It’s super fast. Setting up nextauth to work with credentials and oauth with something like planetscale and create t3 app it’s super easy! You can of course also have a custom log in screen too with nextauth
@Vimes You can have custom login screens for nextauth (not Auth0). Not sure if you're aware
I'm aware. right now I'm considering the free tier supabase, shuts down after one week of inactivity (which could happen during holidays) but github actions cron jobs seems to fix that
Unknown User•3y ago
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Not very sensitive data behind login, but only certain customers should see certain data. Supabase seems sweet because I can also use it for other stuff should the need arise (whatever I can use postgres and file storage for)
Unknown User•3y ago
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