t3 turbo repo with drizzle

Hi everyone just wondering if anyone has been able to take out prisma from the turbo repo t3 app and replaced it with drizzle yet? I was playing with it earlier but hitting a brick wall when I got to pushing the db and the build process was just not having it.
2 Replies
Rhys2y ago
There’s this here https://github.com/retconned/my-t3-drizzle for create-t3-app - not create t3 turbo but should be easy enough to convert
GitHub - retconned/my-t3-drizzle: A simple example create-t3-app se...
A simple example create-t3-app setup that uses tRPC , drizzle-orm , next-auth & tailwindcss . - GitHub - retconned/my-t3-drizzle: A simple example create-t3-app setup that uses tRPC , drizz...
LiamOP2y ago
Much love cheers for this will give it a go and see what I can do

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