next-auth session callback not recognizing new user property

I updated the User schema in schema.prisma like this:
model User {
id String @id @default(cuid())
name String?
email String? @unique
emailVerified DateTime?
image String?
accounts Account[]
sessions Session[]
stripeCustomerId String?
model User {
id String @id @default(cuid())
name String?
email String? @unique
emailVerified DateTime?
image String?
accounts Account[]
sessions Session[]
stripeCustomerId String?
and next-auth.d.ts
declare module "next-auth" {
* Returned by `useSession`, `getSession` and received as a prop on the `SessionProvider` React Context
interface Session {
user?: {
id: string;
stripeCustomerId: string;
} & DefaultSession["user"];
declare module "next-auth" {
* Returned by `useSession`, `getSession` and received as a prop on the `SessionProvider` React Context
interface Session {
user?: {
id: string;
stripeCustomerId: string;
} & DefaultSession["user"];
then inside [...nextauth].ts I have this:
callbacks: {
session({ session, user }) {
if (session.user) { =;
session.user.stripeCustomerId = user.stripeCustomerId;

return session;
callbacks: {
session({ session, user }) {
if (session.user) { =;
session.user.stripeCustomerId = user.stripeCustomerId;

return session;
The works fine and it isn't complaining. but user.stripeCustomerId is... I have tried: 1. Restarting TS server. 2. npx prisma generate 3. Restart VS code Please let me know if you have stumbled upon this / know what the problem is. I am able to console.log(user.stripeCustomerId) so I know it is working.
3 Replies
amanuelOP3y ago
I added this to my next-auth.d.ts as temporary solution, but is this correct?
interface User extends DefaultUser {
stripeCustomerId: string;
interface User extends DefaultUser {
stripeCustomerId: string;
BarisP3y ago
I am not sure if it's because you made it optional in the prisma model but not on the type like | null or some other thing but that's how I done the thing at the time, I am open for improvement suggestions
Lopen3y ago
most times all you need is to just restart your vscode

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