Why does that work? - Runtime Config with Nextjs
(unsure about the tag, so I am just going with both, feel free to correct me on it tho)
Could some please explain why this working?
I am working with runtime environment variables right now. As noted in the docs of nextjs it says that the page is required to be ssr'ed in order to use the
Steps I went through: - Build the Project - Start the Project with some Env Vars -> works ✅ - Change Env Vars and restart the project -> works ✅ So its working like I want it to be, but I cant grasp why. Is it because during the SSR the
My page looks like this:
The runtime enviroment variables are only needed inside the LazyComponent
which is dynamically imported on the client.Steps I went through: - Build the Project - Start the Project with some Env Vars -> works ✅ - Change Env Vars and restart the project -> works ✅ So its working like I want it to be, but I cant grasp why. Is it because during the SSR the
gets populated and is available for all the others components? Even if they just get rendered on the client?next.config.js: Runtime Configuration | Next.js
Add client and server runtime configuration to your Next.js app.
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