can i have 2 or more nextjs app in a create-t3-turbo app?

example having 1) regular user web app 2) Admin dashboard for the user web app and then for the mobile app side of things 1) regular user app 2) Admin dashboard for the user app so basically make it total of 4 things 2 web and 2 apps will they be any performance issues? is it a good idea?
7 Replies
Keef3y ago
It won't really impact your production but running in dev can get a little slow if you have multiple apps running and not enough resources. You shouldn't normally need to do device specific apps if you are just serving up a web app. Instead you just target different devices using breakpoints.
LopenOP3y ago
Keef3y ago
@media - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
The @media CSS at-rule can be used to apply part of a style sheet based on the result of one or more media queries. With it, you specify a media query and a block of CSS to apply to the document if and only if the media query matches the device on which the content is being used.
Keef3y ago
Customizing Screens - Tailwind CSS
Customizing the default breakpoints for your project.
Keef3y ago
Responsive Design - Tailwind CSS
Using responsive utility variants to build adaptive user interfaces.
LopenOP3y ago
I am not talking about styling Am talking about mono repo
Keef3y ago
Yeah I thought it said a separate web app for mobile so disregard that Like I said it’s just about how you orchestrate your dev. If you have all 4 things running at once then they might compete for resources just narrow your dev commands down using the —filter with turbo and ur good to go

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