Can someone explain the difference between database hosting services?

I work for a small startup and our application is using postgres. I want some sort of solution which is easy to deploy but also handles scalability. I first looked at Railway and it looked like they spin up a single machine for you? If that's the case seems okay for small projects, but won't help with scale. I also looked into Heroku Postgres, which seems like they spin up additional servers if needed? There's also AWS, but that seems like a complicated option and the idea that you could get charged a ton if a mistake is made seems scary. Lastly, I noticed both T3 docs and Vercel mention PlanetScale, but they use MySQL not postgres, would this cause an issue?
1 Reply
Neto2y ago
there are basically three lines of hosting vm hosting, like railway, they host a database and you manage it serverless, like cockroach and i think neon, that the service manage the db and you pay for the requests always on, stuff like supabase/rds/azure/gcp, that you pay always for the service running, regardless of the requests being made or whatever --- most of them offer some level of high availability, and whatnot

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