What am I suppose to do If user email exist on db that coming from provider? How to handle error?

I couldn't find any information about handling errors when user email (signed up with credentials) and provider email matches. How do I handle like "There is a user that you are providing from Discord" etc.
4 Replies
cje3y ago
this is like half a year old so they may have changed it
cje3y ago
anket/signin.tsx at main · c-ehrlich/anket
Create and fill out surveys, and view statistics on responses - anket/signin.tsx at main · c-ehrlich/anket
cje3y ago
but this was my solution back then you could be more granular and check your database for which provider the account exists with already also no idea why i made it an inline function lol
ÇağlarOP3y ago
This method came to my mind, but I wanted to check it on the server side, the method is good, but I am not sure if it is best practice. Thank you so much for sharing and replying

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