Switching over from Material UI to Headless UI + Tailwind. Any recommended tutorial for tailwind v3?
I have not really done any CSS in general (started with MUI). I see a tutorial for "Tailwind CSS v2.0: From Zero to Production" on Tailwind Labs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elgqxmdVms8&list=PL5f_mz_zU5eXWYDXHUDOLBE0scnuJofO0&ab_channel=TailwindLabs) but did not know how much of a difference there is between v2 and v3. Any recs for a v3 tutorial?
Tailwind Labs
00: Course Intro – Tailwind CSS v2.0: From Zero to Production
Tailwind CSS: https://tailwindcss.com
Music: Kobi McCoull – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOqLc44aonirDvRylemAtaA
8 Replies
Just read the docs
You mean the core concepts and customization or everything? There is a lot on there so just wanted to get familiar with the basics and learn the rest over time as and when I need it
tailwind docs are pretty cool just search what you need
https://nerdcave.com/tailwind-cheat-sheet this is pretty cool aswell I guess
Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet
Cheat sheet to learn Tailwind CSS quickly. Browse and search all Tailwind utility classes or CSS properties on one page.
Tailwind is basically just shorthand CSS so as long as you know CSS you should be fine. Once you can't figure out something just search their docs
Makes sense. Would you suggest going over a CSS tutorial then given I don't really know CSS well?
i dont think any of the classes in v2 were removed in v3
setup might be different
if you're totally new to css i'd recommend this https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/2022/responsive-web-design/
its not tailwind, but tailwind is just css
Unknown User•3y ago
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