tRPC and existing api

Hello, I have external API that I use on my project. I need to hide my api key so I need to create api routes as wrapper (to run serverside). Could I just use trpc for it instead of the normal api route way on nextjs? So on trpc get external api and return result and client fetches from trpc
7 Replies
cje3y ago
thats an excellent use case for trpc
rocawearOP3y ago
Is there any examples for it, I am thinking about the typing. Do I need to use zod for input and output validation to get typings work correctly? So on my procedure I use axios to fetch my api and then its untyped. Then I parse it to get typings or somehow type output. Is this correct idea?
that idea is good what does axios offer for this?
rocawearOP3y ago this seems to be the way. Axios to fetch data instead of default fetch
Output Validation | tRPC
tRPC gives you automatic type-safety of outputs without the need of adding a validator; however, it can be useful at times to strictly define the output type in order to prevent sensitive data of being leaked.
yeah i get that you're using axios instead of fetch, but im wondering why. i haven't used axios much but i havent seen anything it offers that fetch doesn't, cuz it used to just be a convenient wrapper around XMLHttpRequest before fetch came into existence the only thing i know of is that you can get percentage updates on huge file download/uploads i think
rocawearOP3y ago
If somebody is also interested I managed to do it like this and using it on client with types:
import { z } from "zod";
import axios from "axios";

import { router, publicProcedure } from "../trpc";

export const productsRouter = router({
all: publicProcedure
id: z.number(),
title: z.string(),
price: z.number(),
description: z.string(),
category: z.string(),
image: z.string(),
rating: z.object({
rate: z.number(),
count: z.number(),
.query(async () => {
const { data } = await axios.get("");
return data;
import { z } from "zod";
import axios from "axios";

import { router, publicProcedure } from "../trpc";

export const productsRouter = router({
all: publicProcedure
id: z.number(),
title: z.string(),
price: z.number(),
description: z.string(),
category: z.string(),
image: z.string(),
rating: z.object({
rate: z.number(),
count: z.number(),
.query(async () => {
const { data } = await axios.get("");
return data;
const { data: products, isLoading, isError } = trpc.products.all.useQuery();
const { data: products, isLoading, isError } = trpc.products.all.useQuery();

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