Typesafe backend stack
Having a hard time deciding on a backend stack. Happy with where things are going, but nothing’s quite there yet.
Looking for decent scalability and type safety.
I’ve done NestJS, Typegoose, and openapi generator. Works reasonably well, single source of truth (ish, because you’re still writing DTOs). Ditching Mongo though so I’m looking at TypeORM or prisma now.
Not sure if I’ll keep using NestJS. It is a godsend for organization and scalability, and the batteries included nature means it’s reasonably easy to integrate any semi popular tech, but it is also a bit inflexible as a result. Not a huge OO fan, but the Spring bootiness of it does scale nicely. I’ve never properly scaled a purely Express backend and there really isn’t a well documented pattern to follow here. I can manage it, but it’s additional mental overhead.
tRPC is really cool and would give the best DX, but we do also need OpenAPI for external consumers, and although there’s an unofficial plug-in for it, I’m a bit hesitant.
Lots of decisions to make here, and I’m curious if anyone has any input when it comes to scalability across multiple apps and micro services.
Main decisions to make:
Nest vs. pure Express
tRPC vs monorepo shared types vs codegen
19 Replies
you can create a monorepo with something + fastify
not nest nor express
like this
Definitely Fastify over Express, it's similar but better in almost every way, Express is basically abandonware and most of the old Express team have moved on to either Fastify or Koa
and if you know from the start that you need OpenAPI then I would not recommend tRPC, or at least not for that part of it
I prefer Fastify over Nest by far but I can also see why some teams might prefer Nest, I think that decision is up to you
OpenAPI is a spec
Not a hard communication rule
Just because the spec says this shape will return, doesn't mean that will be the return
If you need typesafe communication, but plain http/trpc isn't enough
Gql is the way
I can manage something type safe with Nest and its CLI tool...generates the spec based off of the actual controller implementation, then I take that through OpenAPI Generator and generate my types or frontend client. But it does add some mild complexity to the chain. It does work fairly nicely though. Just add it to the build step or maybe a pre-lint step, since you can generate and then tsc your projects. Not nearly the real-time DX of tRPC, but pretty decent. And backend agnostic if you have a reliable OpenAPI spec.
But you are right, OpenAPI has no guarantees. I've tried taking the same approach with existing Springboot projects and found their specs to be unreliable.
I am gonna look into a fastify solution and see if I can scaffold something up that I'm happy with
Gql may be an option...I'll need to see if they specifically want REST for this thing
One thing I could consider is just doing tRPC for the front end and then worry about REST later. I’d have to write reasonably restful endpoints, but as long as I decouple the actual request handling I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be feasible
This is the nest openapi plugin btw…killer feature tbh:
Documentation | NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework
Documentation | NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework
Nest is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Progamming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming).
Hmmmm....how about:
DBs <--Prisma--> Microservices <--gRPC--> tRPC, REST gateway
Decouple tRPC and REST from the actual services. Seems like it'd probably be more prudent. And microservices is probably a good thing for us, since we have a lot of very loosely connected domains. We'll be deploying container updates manually (and physically), so small containers is gonna be a good thing.
Why trpc isn't the way there?
Doesn't trpc by default let me know what a return type will be?
It's even clear by the first example in their docs when you change smth on the backend, the client gets instant error
its typesafe yes
the person youre replying to meant that some projects need more than trpc
and in that cases gql is often a good choice
trpc with a bad serializer is bad as example
if you see a clip about next default serialization and infering types
you see why
@exodus I think http://www.zodios.org/ will fit your use case very good. It supports generating an openapi spec out of the box
Zodios | Zodios
End-to-end typesafe REST API toolbox
Hmmm not bad
Only thing is that it's still pretty with a smaller community then trpc. The author is already careful not to have big breaking changes though. Also, in case of problems ejecting from it shouldn't be too hard, probably easier then with trpc.
Zodios is amazing
Highly recommend it
But if your backend is in ts I still would go for trpc
OP needs to provide an Rest api though
Well the zodios will work just fine
I wish IT gets more attention because its a really great project
I can totally see myself using zodios for personal projects. May consider it here, but I need a reasonably easy path to eject.
I like tRPC, but I do wish it was just built on top of REST. Custom communication protocols come and go, and a language specific protocol isn't really well suited for the long-term.
Zodios looks like it addresses that.
Yeah you'd just make a command to generate zodios client on top of your swagger
and everytime someone edits backend you just run a custom command getting a new api client
I think for prod I'd still probably take the NestJS route since the DX ends up being about as nice. But I'll leave it up to the team...they might not be really comfortable with the dependency injection mechanisms.
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