CRUD tutorial

Any CRUD tutorial for t3 stack for beginners to learn from?
5 Replies
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nexxel2y ago
shameless plug: i have a blog on a simple app made with the t3 stack:
Shoubhit Dash
Build a Full Stack App with create-t3-app
Let's build a guestbook with all parts of the T3 stack - Next.js, tRPC, Prisma, Tailwind CSS and Next Auth
tom06192y ago
Hey, thanks for the recommendation. CRUD is simple, it just means Create, Read, Update Delete, things most APIs should be able to do. I think what you really want to learn is REST. If you learn the principals behind REST, everything will make sense, including tRPC & GraphQL This is an oldie but a goodie to get started: Learn HTTP methods: Learn HTTP status codes:
Build a Full Stack tRPC CRUD App with Next.js - CodevoWeb
This article will teach you how to build a full-stack tRPC CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) app with Next.js. The tRPC API will be...
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