prisma.user.create type is 'any'

I defined the prisma schema, but when i try to add a user to the database, it's type is 'any', isn't prisma supposed to generate type definitions for my schema?
7 Replies
razor3y ago
hm... its supposed to. tried prisma generate ?
barry3y ago
typescript not being set to strict
i think it already is
I ran npx prisma generate, am I missing something here?
Unknown User
Unknown User3y ago
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OK, i tried something a bit weird. At first i was following the nextauth docs for setting up nextauth with Prisma: The docs mentioned creating this weird prismadb.ts file, i copy-pasted it from their docs to my code. Now, i removed that file and just accessed the prisma variable as they say so after you run the prisma generate command (aka importing PrismaClient and then const prisma = new PrismaClient() whereever in the code you want to use prisma) I did that and the intellisense is working now
Prisma | NextAuth.js
To use this Adapter, you need to install Prisma Client, Prisma CLI, and the separate @next-auth/prisma-adapter package:
I will refactor my code a little and report back if it works yep, it worked,I guess I initialized prisma incorrectly.

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