Best practice how to store settings in MySQL?

Hi. I would like to store some settings / preferences in the database, but don't know what's the common structure, to do so. Would it be something like so?
model DashboardSettings {
name String @unique
value String
model DashboardSettings {
name String @unique
value String
name | value
DISCORD_GUILD_ID | 63meEMh385emhm
name | value
DISCORD_GUILD_ID | 63meEMh385emhm
33 Replies
venus2y ago
But don't know, how to make ZOD validator for each value variable, so I guess I have to create mutation with its own validator for each field
enum SettingFields {

const prismaUpdateSettingField = (
prisma: PrismaClient,
{ field, value }: { field: SettingFields; value: string }
) => {
return prisma.dashboardSettings.upsert({
where: { name: field },
create: { name: field, value: value },
update: { name: field, value: value },

export const settingsRouter = t.router({
getDashboardSettings: authedProcedure.query(({ ctx, input }) => {
return ctx.prisma.dashboardSettings
.then((res) => res.reduce((a, v) => ({ ...a, []: v.value }), {} as SettingsObject));
upsertDiscordGuildID: authedProcedure
.input(z.object({ value: z.string().regex(/^\d+$/) }))
.mutation(({ ctx, input }) => {
return prismaUpdateSettingField(ctx.prisma, {
field: SettingFields.DISCORD_GUILD_ID,
value: input.value,
enum SettingFields {

const prismaUpdateSettingField = (
prisma: PrismaClient,
{ field, value }: { field: SettingFields; value: string }
) => {
return prisma.dashboardSettings.upsert({
where: { name: field },
create: { name: field, value: value },
update: { name: field, value: value },

export const settingsRouter = t.router({
getDashboardSettings: authedProcedure.query(({ ctx, input }) => {
return ctx.prisma.dashboardSettings
.then((res) => res.reduce((a, v) => ({ ...a, []: v.value }), {} as SettingsObject));
upsertDiscordGuildID: authedProcedure
.input(z.object({ value: z.string().regex(/^\d+$/) }))
.mutation(({ ctx, input }) => {
return prismaUpdateSettingField(ctx.prisma, {
field: SettingFields.DISCORD_GUILD_ID,
value: input.value,
Scot2y ago
Bruh that seems complex Does it need to be in db? Some settings work better as an env variable
Unknown User
Unknown User2y ago
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venus2y ago
I know it is, but some variables have to be customizable by user when the site's running, not at the build time (like ENV). Good point. How would you structure the model? Should I just have one row with all settings inside that one Json object?
Unknown User
Unknown User2y ago
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Leonidas2y ago
I would start out with one json column in the database. Ensure type safety with zod. As soon as you feel the need to write that parsing logic again extract that into a helper function make sure to reuse the helper across your app in case you migrate the schema, you can add falbbacks / defaults here
venus2y ago
Can I ensure type-safety for that JSON object with Prima? I did some googling, but couldnt find any good resource
Leonidas2y ago
no you cannot, rely on zod for runtime safety - make sure to add fallbacks
venus2y ago
This is kinda out of my scope of knowledge. What are zod fallbacks?
Leonidas2y ago
zod is a library to parse input and retrieve type-safety thereby:
GitHub - colinhacks/zod: TypeScript-first schema validation with st...
TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference - GitHub - colinhacks/zod: TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
venus2y ago
Yeah ik what zod does, but I got confused by the word "fallback"
Leonidas2y ago
really useful for developing api's - by parsing the incomming data you avoid all kinds of security breaches
venus2y ago
So should I do for each setting field its own route with zod validator for key and its value?
Leonidas2y ago
lets say your current settings json looks like this: { wantsNotifications: boolean } now you want to add a setting, your schema would look like this: { wantsNotifications: boolean useColorBlindMode: boolean } In your helper function you would add a fallback for the "useColorBlindMode" property -> it should default to false when it is undefined use z.boolean().default(false) for this
venus2y ago
Yes and would you recommend me to control the properties that are parsed in the object?
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