Stack suggestion - DB platform for a larger number of smaller projects

Hey y'all, love planetscale but it's limitation on number of branches means that even if I have a very small app that has very low usage, I can't really do another on PS. Any good options for things that scale well for a larger number of smaller projects? Happy to pay for usage, doesn't need to be free, but ideally has a pay as you go sort of model.
14 Replies
how does branches limit the number of projects you can do?
naz63523y ago
You can only have a single project on the free plan, if you want more you need the scaler plan and it's $30/mo per
you can only have one project per organisation :)
nexxel3y ago
checkout cockroachdb best free tier you won't have to pay at all and if you exceed its a pay as you go model
zenithOP3y ago
Thanks this looks great Like literally ideal
nexxel3y ago
yup and its as scalable as pscale if not more
zenithOP3y ago
is it based on something else like pscale is? because pscale is mysql compatable Just figuring out how to think about it and yeah I get what you mean but I want to use it for clients so I'd rather something more official
Cockroach is postgres
nexxel3y ago
its based on postgres, but they had take some parts out to make it scalable they have a really nice blog post its incredible tech
I mean there's nothing unofficial about it. One account can simply create multiple organizations, and separating projects into organizations is fine imo. But I do get what you mean, and cockroach is pretty good too. I just personally wasn't a fan of their UI and I remember having some difficulties getting a local instance running but that might just have been my own fault
nexxel3y ago
can't find the blog post but this is also good oooh i never run a local instance
Do you just work on prod?
nexxel3y ago
i make 2 dbs
Ah interesting

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