NextAuth: Cannot login with CredentialsProvider

I'm currently developing my web app using the full-featured t3 app, and I don't want to connect to the real provider while developing. (Since there are roles and it's much better if I can switch my role during development directly on my UI) According to the answer of the following GitHub issue and a side note from t3-app docs, I added a credential provider in the authOptions object inside src/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts with some hardcoded users. But now I found that after the login succeeded, it refreshed my page and my app just kept being in the not logged-in state. (The next-auth.session-token cookies does appear, but gone after the refresh) Am I doing anything wrong? How could I fix this?
// ...the other providers
credentials: {
role: {
type: "text",
label: "Role",
authorize: (credentials) => {
if (!credentials) return null;

const mockUser = mockUsers[credentials.role];
return mockUser ?? null;
// ...the other providers
credentials: {
role: {
type: "text",
label: "Role",
authorize: (credentials) => {
if (!credentials) return null;

const mockUser = mockUsers[credentials.role];
return mockUser ?? null;
new provider - Mock · Issue #5587 · nextauthjs/next-auth
Description 📓 Today we are using an AzureAd provider, which requires the use of clientid/secret information. We would prefer not to have to share this will all possible internal developers for an i...
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