TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Alan on 6/5/2023 in #questions
Exhaustive Switch in TypeScript
Hello, I am currently writing a little backend code with TypeScript, and I want to use some exhaustive switch to give back my client proper errors. However, the types are not work as what I expected, can someone help me? TS Playground: I don't understand why both result1 on line 25 and result2 on line 42 are of type ErrorResult but behaves differently when I switch on them. How can I handle the errors properly? Should I manually type the secondService so that it returns ErrorResult<"not permitted" | "not found"> ?
7 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Alan on 6/1/2023 in #questions
Android emulator cannot connect to my Expo without tunnel
Hello, I am building an app with create-t3-turbo in windows 11. I keep getting the error connection timed out from the Expo Go in the emulator. I've tried to turn off my firewall, set the REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_HOSTNAME environment variable, but all of these do not solve the issue. However, when I use the tunnel mode to open my app, it just works without all of the configurations. How can I solve the issue, or how can I setup the function getBaseUrl in tunnel mode when initializing tRPC client to make my Expo app connect to my tRPC endpoints?
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Alan on 1/30/2023 in #questions
NextAuth: Cannot login with CredentialsProvider
I'm currently developing my web app using the full-featured t3 app, and I don't want to connect to the real provider while developing. (Since there are roles and it's much better if I can switch my role during development directly on my UI) According to the answer of the following GitHub issue and a side note from t3-app docs, I added a credential provider in the authOptions object inside src/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts with some hardcoded users. But now I found that after the login succeeded, it refreshed my page and my app just kept being in the not logged-in state. (The next-auth.session-token cookies does appear, but gone after the refresh) Am I doing anything wrong? How could I fix this?
// ...the other providers
credentials: {
role: {
type: "text",
label: "Role",
authorize: (credentials) => {
if (!credentials) return null;

const mockUser = mockUsers[credentials.role];
return mockUser ?? null;
// ...the other providers
credentials: {
role: {
type: "text",
label: "Role",
authorize: (credentials) => {
if (!credentials) return null;

const mockUser = mockUsers[credentials.role];
return mockUser ?? null;
1 replies