Prisma: best way to structure these D&D schemas?

Context: I'm using tRPC, Prisma, and MongoDB I have a few models like Campaign, Player, NPC, and Battle Campaigns have many Player/NPC/Battle:
model Campaign {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
title String
battles Battle[]
npcs Npc[]
players Player[]

model Npc {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
campaignId String @db.ObjectId
campaign Campaign @relation(fields: [campaignId], references: [id])
name String @default("Please name me")
forStory Boolean @default(false)
known Boolean @default(false)

model Player {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
campaignId String @db.ObjectId
campaign Campaign @relation(fields: [campaignId], references: [id])
name String @default("Please name me")
maxHp Int @default(5)
passiveWisdom Int @default(10)

model Battle {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
campaignId String @db.ObjectId
campaign Campaign @relation(fields: [campaignId], references: [id])
title String @default("Please name me")
model Campaign {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
title String
battles Battle[]
npcs Npc[]
players Player[]

model Npc {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
campaignId String @db.ObjectId
campaign Campaign @relation(fields: [campaignId], references: [id])
name String @default("Please name me")
forStory Boolean @default(false)
known Boolean @default(false)

model Player {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
campaignId String @db.ObjectId
campaign Campaign @relation(fields: [campaignId], references: [id])
name String @default("Please name me")
maxHp Int @default(5)
passiveWisdom Int @default(10)

model Battle {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
campaignId String @db.ObjectId
campaign Campaign @relation(fields: [campaignId], references: [id])
title String @default("Please name me")
Battles are meant to have many Player and many NPC But since there’s an order to battle I’m thinking I should create something like a BattleParticipant model which holds an order value and which entity it’s in regard to Each participant can have an entityType (a string value) so i know whether it’s a Player or NPC, and entityId so I can properly refer to it
model BattleParticipant {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
title String @default("Please name me")
order Int @default(0)
entityType String
entityId String @db.ObjectId
model BattleParticipant {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
title String @default("Please name me")
order Int @default(0)
entityType String
entityId String @db.ObjectId
I'll post my desired outcome and alternative I've thought of in a comment
1 Reply
sal.torOP2y ago
To get all the data I want up front for the frontend, aka the battle order and each entity's information, I'd ideally be able to do a prisma query like this
where: { id: battle_id },
include: { entity: true }
where: { id: battle_id },
include: { entity: true }
But because entity isn’t an actual model but is instead one of multiple possible models, this wouldn't work (as far as I see right now) The alternative I can think of is to get all the BattleParticipants and then iterate over them and based on the entity type I can query the appropriate table and ultimately combine them
const participants = await prisma.battleparticipants.findMany({ where: { id: battle_id } })
const entityData = []
participants.forEach(participant => {
if (participant.entityType === 'player') {
entityData.push(prisma.player.findUnique({ where: { id: participant.entityId } })
} else if (participant.entityType === 'npc') {
entityData.push(prisma.npc.findUnique({ where: { id: participant.entityId } })
await Promise.all(entityData)
return, index) => ({ ...p, entity: entityData[index] }))
const participants = await prisma.battleparticipants.findMany({ where: { id: battle_id } })
const entityData = []
participants.forEach(participant => {
if (participant.entityType === 'player') {
entityData.push(prisma.player.findUnique({ where: { id: participant.entityId } })
} else if (participant.entityType === 'npc') {
entityData.push(prisma.npc.findUnique({ where: { id: participant.entityId } })
await Promise.all(entityData)
return, index) => ({ ...p, entity: entityData[index] }))
So, does this approach to make a BattleParticipant model make sense? Or is there a better way to get the data all at once? cc @Strike here's the additional context and schemas I mentioned I'd add to this thread Yeah, i dont know necessarily whether that’s a 1:1 to “conditional join” since i know a tiny bit of sql but that sounds right Hehe To add to that im expecting ill be making a monster model that is associated only with battles Oh shoot yeah that’s a good name for it, Union type Yeah that’s an interesting historical thread, I’m going to dig into it on desktop tomorrow. I think for now my idea might work with your earlier links

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