Battling TypeScript Types

I have been struggling with this typescript issue for a bit now and not sure how to fix. I have an object containing some data that I import. It looks like this. boom has a crazy long type considering each of the objects in the array. (where I think this is making things hard).
export const boom = [
name: "Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 1400,
charcoal: 1950,
frags: 100,
low_grade: 30,
pipes: 2,
name: "C4",
cost: {
sulfur: 2200,
charcoal: 3000,
frags: 200,
low_grade: 60,
cloth: 5,
tech_trash: 2,
name: "Satchel",
cost: {
sulfur: 480,
charcoal: 720,
frags: 80,
cloth: 10,
rope: 1,
name: "Explosive Ammo",
cost: {
sulfur: 25,
charcoal: 30,
frags: 5,
name: "Beancan Grenade",
cost: {
sulfur: 120,
charcoal: 180,
frags: 20,
name: "Incendiary Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 610,
charcoal: 900,
frags: 10,
low_grade: 253,
pipes: 2,
name: "High Velocity Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 200,
charcoal: 300,
pipes: 1,
name: "Handmade Shell",
cost: {
sulfur: 5,
charcoal: 8,
stone: 3,
export const boom = [
name: "Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 1400,
charcoal: 1950,
frags: 100,
low_grade: 30,
pipes: 2,
name: "C4",
cost: {
sulfur: 2200,
charcoal: 3000,
frags: 200,
low_grade: 60,
cloth: 5,
tech_trash: 2,
name: "Satchel",
cost: {
sulfur: 480,
charcoal: 720,
frags: 80,
cloth: 10,
rope: 1,
name: "Explosive Ammo",
cost: {
sulfur: 25,
charcoal: 30,
frags: 5,
name: "Beancan Grenade",
cost: {
sulfur: 120,
charcoal: 180,
frags: 20,
name: "Incendiary Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 610,
charcoal: 900,
frags: 10,
low_grade: 253,
pipes: 2,
name: "High Velocity Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 200,
charcoal: 300,
pipes: 1,
name: "Handmade Shell",
cost: {
sulfur: 5,
charcoal: 8,
stone: 3,
The type for each item is automatically created, but I would rather it just be name: string and cost: Record<string, number>. How can I just simplify the types? My app works fine but I just cant get rid of this typescript error. Thanks!
33 Replies
exodus3y ago
for complex types like this, you should declare the type rather than infering. This is a good case for types/interfaces. I'll go with Record<string, number> for now for cost, but you really should also define these in a union type or enum, assuming their names are known ahead of time.
interface Explosive {
name: string;
cost: Record<string, number>;

// or if you prefer
type Explosive = {
name: string,
cost: Record<string, number>,

export const boom: Explosive[] = [
name: "Handmade Shell",
interface Explosive {
name: string;
cost: Record<string, number>;

// or if you prefer
type Explosive = {
name: string,
cost: Record<string, number>,

export const boom: Explosive[] = [
name: "Handmade Shell",
This kind of sounds like a game, so I'd probably opt for interfaces over types. Games are one situations where Object Oriented patterns can be useful
PerfectOP3y ago
Ahh this helped a lot. “Declare instead of infer”. Could you give me a sample of what u meant by defining a union type or enum? I import this array of items, then map the array and pass the item to a component. In the component I type the item the same as Explosive in ur example and it works better. However, how can u be more specific? (There is nothing I have to specifically do when it’s a certain item)
exodus3y ago
Assuming there are known keys for the items in cost, then it would be good to define them.
interface Explosive {
name: string;
cost: Record<Material, number>;

type Material = "sulfur" | "charcoal" | "frags"
interface Explosive {
name: string;
cost: Record<Material, number>;

type Material = "sulfur" | "charcoal" | "frags"
Or maybe Material is another object you'd like to define
interface Explosive {
name: string;
cost: Record<typeof Material[name], number>; //I think this is right

interface Material {
name: MaterialName
cost: number

type MaterialName = "sulfur" | "charcoal" | "frags"
interface Explosive {
name: string;
cost: Record<typeof Material[name], number>; //I think this is right

interface Material {
name: MaterialName
cost: number

type MaterialName = "sulfur" | "charcoal" | "frags"
Alternatively, you can use an enum, even though these are a bit out of style today. They're still probably more appropriate in this case:
interface Explosive {
name: string;
cost: Record<MaterialName, number>; //I think this is right

enum MaterialName {
SULFUR = "sulfur",
CHARCOAL = "charcoal",
FRAGS = "frags"
interface Explosive {
name: string;
cost: Record<MaterialName, number>; //I think this is right

enum MaterialName {
SULFUR = "sulfur",
CHARCOAL = "charcoal",
FRAGS = "frags"
You can get as crazy as you want, really. Just think of any place where your IDE doesn't provide you proper autocompletion, and then see if there might be a better way to define your types. In this case, Record<string, number> is probably too broad. If you replace string with a union or enum, then you'll actually get autocomplete and type checking when you try to add a property to cost.
PerfectOP3y ago
Cool, I will try to get a little more specific!
PerfectOP3y ago
@exodus so I gave ur idea a shot and I am getting a strange error.
type Item =
| "sulfur"
| "charcoal"
| "frags"
| "low_grade"
| "cloth"
| "stone"
| "pipes"
| "tech_trash"
| "rope";

type Explosive = {
name: string;
cost: Record<Item, number>;

export const boom: Explosive[] = [
name: "Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 1400,
charcoal: 1950,
frags: 100,
low_grade: 30,
pipes: 2,
type Item =
| "sulfur"
| "charcoal"
| "frags"
| "low_grade"
| "cloth"
| "stone"
| "pipes"
| "tech_trash"
| "rope";

type Explosive = {
name: string;
cost: Record<Item, number>;

export const boom: Explosive[] = [
name: "Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 1400,
charcoal: 1950,
frags: 100,
low_grade: 30,
pipes: 2,
barry3y ago
man is playing rust
PerfectOP3y ago
Check it out!! haha But in regards to that error, I am not sure why its expecting each cost object to have every single item, when the type for item is not requiring that
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barry3y ago
yh partial
PerfectOP3y ago
Ohh ok, I did not think that was needed because of the | I think of that as OR but probably shouldnt
barry3y ago
yh no its mapping it going through them all and doing
low_grade, number
cloth, number
low_grade, number
cloth, number
PerfectOP3y ago
export const boom: Explosive[] = [
name: "Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 1400,
charcoal: 1950,
frags: 100,
low_grade: 30,
pipes: 2,
name: "C4",
cost: {
sulfur: 2200,
charcoal: 3000,
frags: 200,
low_grade: 60,
cloth: 5,
tech_trash: 2,
name: "Satchel",
cost: {
sulfur: 480,
charcoal: 720,
frags: 80,
cloth: 10,
rope: 1,
export const boom: Explosive[] = [
name: "Rocket",
cost: {
sulfur: 1400,
charcoal: 1950,
frags: 100,
low_grade: 30,
pipes: 2,
name: "C4",
cost: {
sulfur: 2200,
charcoal: 3000,
frags: 200,
low_grade: 60,
cloth: 5,
tech_trash: 2,
name: "Satchel",
cost: {
sulfur: 480,
charcoal: 720,
frags: 80,
cloth: 10,
rope: 1,
So sulfur and charcoal are in every item, so a better type for this would be something like
type Explosive = {
name: string;
cost: {
sulfur: number,
charcoal: number
} & Partial<Record<Item, number>>
type Explosive = {
name: string;
cost: {
sulfur: number,
charcoal: number
} & Partial<Record<Item, number>>
lets see if that even works 😆 looks like it did 👀 So now my object.entries is being annoying because its not typing the destructured key nicely
Object.entries(item.cost).forEach(([key, value]) => {
newTotalCost[key] = (newTotalCost[key] ?? 0) + value * count;
Object.entries(item.cost).forEach(([key, value]) => {
newTotalCost[key] = (newTotalCost[key] ?? 0) + value * count;
PerfectOP3y ago
PerfectOP3y ago
PerfectOP3y ago
anyone see how this is even possible? much appreciated lol
barry3y ago
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PerfectOP3y ago
Ok so for option 1 (just gonna cast for now), that worked well.
type Explosive = {
name: string;
cost: {
sulfur: number;
charcoal: number;
} & Partial<Record<RaidItem, number>>;

type Cost = Explosive["cost"] | null;

function handleIncrement(count: number) {
const newAmount = amount + count;

if (totalCost !== null) {
const newTotalCost: Cost = { ...totalCost };

Object.entries(item.cost).forEach((arr) => {
const [key, value] = arr as [keyof Explosive["cost"], number];
newTotalCost[key] = (newTotalCost[key] ?? 0) + value * count;

} else {

type Explosive = {
name: string;
cost: {
sulfur: number;
charcoal: number;
} & Partial<Record<RaidItem, number>>;

type Cost = Explosive["cost"] | null;

function handleIncrement(count: number) {
const newAmount = amount + count;

if (totalCost !== null) {
const newTotalCost: Cost = { ...totalCost };

Object.entries(item.cost).forEach((arr) => {
const [key, value] = arr as [keyof Explosive["cost"], number];
newTotalCost[key] = (newTotalCost[key] ?? 0) + value * count;

} else {

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PerfectOP3y ago
I use it twice (for now) but I think the other undefined error is unrelated potentially. My increment adds to existing fields or adds entirely new ones. My decrement does the exact opposite (obv).
function handleDecremenent(count: number) {
const newAmount = amount - count;

if (amount > 0 && totalCost !== null) {
const newTotalCost: Cost = { ...totalCost };

Object.entries(item.cost).forEach((arr) => {
const [key, value] = arr as [keyof Explosive["cost"], number];
newTotalCost[key] = newTotalCost[key] - value * count; // Object is possibly 'undefined'.
if (newTotalCost[key] === 0) {
delete newTotalCost[key];


if (Object.values(newTotalCost).every((x) => x === 0)) {
} else {
function handleDecremenent(count: number) {
const newAmount = amount - count;

if (amount > 0 && totalCost !== null) {
const newTotalCost: Cost = { ...totalCost };

Object.entries(item.cost).forEach((arr) => {
const [key, value] = arr as [keyof Explosive["cost"], number];
newTotalCost[key] = newTotalCost[key] - value * count; // Object is possibly 'undefined'.
if (newTotalCost[key] === 0) {
delete newTotalCost[key];


if (Object.values(newTotalCost).every((x) => x === 0)) {
} else {
@kapobajza so now, I think typescript is basically telling me that the newTotalCost might not have the key that I am trying to decrement (even tho I know it will because this will only reach if amount > 0, which means that at least one of these items is part of the total cost). I think i need to find a way to tell typescript newTotalCost will definitely contain all of the keys I am traversing for the current item (item.cost)
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PerfectOP3y ago
ohh interesting How would u recommend I indicate that the cost is nothing? still use null like u showed there? My main state uses the type const [totalCost, setTotalCost] = useState<Cost>(null);
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PerfectOP3y ago
OHH I had it like that wayyyy earlier but thought I was making it cleaner by doing it all in the Cost type lmao, let me see how this works now, thank you!
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PerfectOP3y ago
Yep just changed that as well, I am still getting the undefined error somehow, might be something small
type Cost = Explosive["cost"];

type CalculatorItemProps = {
item: Explosive;
totalCost: Cost | null;
setTotalCost: Dispatch<SetStateAction<Cost | null>>;

function handleDecremenent(count: number) {
const newAmount = amount - count;

if (amount > 0 && totalCost !== null) {
const newTotalCost = { ...totalCost };

Object.entries(item.cost).forEach((arr) => {
const [key, value] = arr as [keyof Cost, number]; // tried keyof typeof totalCost here as well
newTotalCost[key] = newTotalCost[key] - value * count; // Object is possibly 'undefined'.
if (newTotalCost[key] === 0) {
delete newTotalCost[key];


if (Object.values(newTotalCost).every((x) => x === 0)) {
} else {
type Cost = Explosive["cost"];

type CalculatorItemProps = {
item: Explosive;
totalCost: Cost | null;
setTotalCost: Dispatch<SetStateAction<Cost | null>>;

function handleDecremenent(count: number) {
const newAmount = amount - count;

if (amount > 0 && totalCost !== null) {
const newTotalCost = { ...totalCost };

Object.entries(item.cost).forEach((arr) => {
const [key, value] = arr as [keyof Cost, number]; // tried keyof typeof totalCost here as well
newTotalCost[key] = newTotalCost[key] - value * count; // Object is possibly 'undefined'.
if (newTotalCost[key] === 0) {
delete newTotalCost[key];


if (Object.values(newTotalCost).every((x) => x === 0)) {
} else {
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PerfectOP3y ago
well that works, but is technically a little weird because it could go negative theoretically it should never but I have a feeling its not exactly correct
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PerfectOP3y ago
@kapobajza resolved this madness by greatly reducing my state complexity. I now just store every item in the cost object starting at 0 and render the ones that are greater than 0. no errors and much much much more concise code
exodus3y ago
AWesome. Yeah I should have pointed out that Record is usually something you reach for for dynamic keys...i.e. something that you don't know at compile time. Sorry, I don't know why i didn't go that route first

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