Has anyone created a desktop application using the T3 stack?

I'd love to get some opinions on this. It would be pretty awesome if we could use RPC to perform the tasks of executing commands on the local system
5 Replies
Would also love to see this as my application has a react electron app that I would love to convert to a t3 electron app if possible
Yiannisβ€’2y ago
I think I saw somewhere trpc used with electron. Maybe use the turborepo and add an electron app there
Yeah I’ve already got an existing turborepo and electron app inside so I was hoping to convert the electron app to nextjs and use trpc on the backend
ΞœΞ›Ξ£Ξžβ€’14mo ago
Hey anyone created t3 stack with electron for desktop application ?
Yiannisβ€’14mo ago
Look up create-t3-turbo (same org as t3 app on github) and just add one there

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