React Query, How to perform infiniteScrolling with custom variables
I'm using
, I basically want to load as you scroll down, but I also want to load data as you select on different filters.
The way I implement it in Desktop View is using number pagination with useQuery
is as follows
useQuery(["key", page, showSelectedOptions])
This way when I click on the paginated number Example: Number 5 , page becomes 5 and loads new data, same thing when selected "options"
But now I wanted to do in via scroll for Mobile View, so which means the newly recieved data should not override the previous data. Currently when any of the above variable changes, the previous 5 data gets overriden by the new set of 5 items, with useQuery and with useInfiniteQuery6 Replies
Unknown User•3y ago
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Ah gotchya, Yes I can refetch the data, you are right. And I din't had to pass the currentPage like you mentioned, thanks for that tip.
How about in case where I want to update, lets say a todo on click. but I dont want to update it via api instead I'll just listen to the success response and update it locally. I tried setQueryData(), but this din't seem to work actually.
Found something interesting, So I'm transforming the data using the
, so instead of it returning pages and pageParams, I flaten the pages and return those two attributes + a new attribute named todo
. Which works fine on useInfiniteQuery, but that attribute doesn't exist when using setQueryDataUnknown User•3y ago
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In my case the
does't seem to have the transformed data which is message
, let me post an example
here doens't appear inside the old
of setQueryData
ohh I see, it is the same with useInfiniteQuery too? Cuz ever since I added that custom message
attribute I'v been getting the error Property message does not exist on type InfiniteData<TQueryFnData>
and I'm new to TS, so I just put any at the end of the line xD. I put as any
Unknown User•3y ago
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Right, Now I'm finally getting the hang of React query 😄 , thanks for your valuable informations