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TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by shaaah on 9/18/2023 in #questions
HttpOnly Cookie
Does httpOnly cookie work if my FE and BE are on the same domain? Because I tried hosting my BE in and FE in, In this case it doesn't work But it happens to work if my FE: BE: ||
4 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by shaaah on 2/8/2023 in #questions
React Query, How to perform infiniteScrolling with custom variables
I'm using useInfiniteQuery, I basically want to load as you scroll down, but I also want to load data as you select on different filters. The way I implement it in Desktop View is using number pagination with useQuery is as follows useQuery(["key", page, showSelectedOptions]) This way when I click on the paginated number Example: Number 5 , page becomes 5 and loads new data, same thing when selected "options" But now I wanted to do in via scroll for Mobile View, so which means the newly recieved data should not override the previous data. Currently when any of the above variable changes, the previous 5 data gets overriden by the new set of 5 items, with useQuery and with useInfiniteQuery
12 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by shaaah on 10/15/2022 in #questions
Railway React deploy error
has anyone got this error while trying to deploy react app to Railway? FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
1 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by shaaah on 10/10/2022 in #questions
Vite with Jsconfig
16 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by shaaah on 10/10/2022 in #questions
Packages that supports Bluetooth and IP Printers
I need to take printout on the small Epos type thermal printer as soon as an order is received. Does anyone have experience doing that? Many packages seems outdated. Even if you have a react native solution, works fine, I can put the react app inside a react native webview
1 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by shaaah on 9/29/2022 in #questions
Sub Domain - Creating it Programmatically (GoDaddy, Azure,AWS) - NodeJS
Can someone guide me on can I create Sub Domain without having to go through the DNS/Server configuration manually. I'm planning to create an admin panel where I can setup the sub domain for example: And it configure everything in the background rather manually going and doing it.
5 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by shaaah on 9/19/2022 in #questions
Custom OAuth Popup Window Redirection
I'm building an oauth popup window like google, fb, github etc. I'm able to do the login, but not able to close the window popup once the login is successful. Example: 1. I open the oauth popup from my website : 2. The URL in the OAuth popup is 3. I complete the login process inside the popup: And then It should close the popup and return back the current url or response Currently, It just redirects back to within the popup itself. Which is of no use. Does anyone have experience in this? The resources seems to be almost close to none for this. Maybe its a company secret they don't want to reveal?
11 replies