Why should you use turborepo

I have a simple NextJs App and I recently saw the create-t3-turbo and wondered what the benefits of Turborepo are. Is it just the remote caching?
5 Replies
julius3y ago
you can separate your api and db into separate packages so that they can be cached separaetly so if you make an app change but doesn't change your prisma schema, the schema wont be re-generated which saves you anywhere from 20 sec in build time depending on how large your schema is
cje3y ago
you could also add anything else to the monorepo
AlexOP3y ago
Oh this makes sense thanks
cje3y ago
for example you have some big backend, and the trpc part of the t3-app is just a "backend-for-frontend" or you also have a mobile app etc
AlexOP3y ago

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