Is there a way to improve the way I do type definition of the argument here with the zod object?

const exampleQuery = async (
input: { text?: string | null | undefined } | null | undefined
) => {
return {
greeting: `Hello ${input?.text ?? "world"}`,

export const exampleRouter = router({
hello: publicProcedure
.input(z.object({ text: z.string().nullish() }).nullish())
.query(({ input }) => {
return exampleQuery(input);
const exampleQuery = async (
input: { text?: string | null | undefined } | null | undefined
) => {
return {
greeting: `Hello ${input?.text ?? "world"}`,

export const exampleRouter = router({
hello: publicProcedure
.input(z.object({ text: z.string().nullish() }).nullish())
.query(({ input }) => {
return exampleQuery(input);
5 Replies
mrnicericee3y ago
You can move the input Zod schema outside, then infer the type from it
amanuelOP3y ago
I haven't worked with zod that much, can you show a simple example or just link a reference? Anything is helpful, thank you so much
mrnicericee3y ago
One sec, not on my computer lol @amanuel could do this
import { z } from "zod";
import { publicProcedure } from "../../trpc";

const inputSchema = z.object({
name: z.string(),

type Input = z.infer<typeof inputSchema>;

const greetings = (input: Input) => {
return {

export const example = publicProcedure
.query(({ input }) => {
return greetings(input);
import { z } from "zod";
import { publicProcedure } from "../../trpc";

const inputSchema = z.object({
name: z.string(),

type Input = z.infer<typeof inputSchema>;

const greetings = (input: Input) => {
return {

export const example = publicProcedure
.query(({ input }) => {
return greetings(input);
amanuelOP3y ago
Yes, this is perfec Thank you so much for the example
mrnicericee3y ago
yeah no worries SippyDuck

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