Is There A Better Way To Communicate With A TRPC Endpoint When You Don't Want To Re-render?

Hello, I was wondering if there is a better way to send and receive data than useQuery() / useMutate() if you do not want to re-render at all and what you are doing is purely for internal data stuff. I could still just use useMutate(), and then have a effect that is subscribed to its value and then update state but than seems like alot of hoops to jump through. Thanks in advance for the help!
15 Replies
cje•3y ago
iirc it's possible to use .mutate() without a rerender but honestly you probably want some visual confirmation in the ui that your mutation was successful rerendering when you send data isn't really a performance concern for the vast majority of apps imo
LiamOP•3y ago
Yeah, generally that would work but its just a little weird for what I need to do. Essentially I need to Take some form data -> Mutate -> add result to array that is in useState so it would be alot better if I could just
const res = someMutation.mutate()
// Add to the state
const res = someMutation.mutate()
// Add to the state
but instead as far as I can tell I need to
const someMutation = trpc.something.useMutation()

function handleSubmit(){

useEffect(() => {
// Update State
}, [someMutation])
const someMutation = trpc.something.useMutation()

function handleSubmit(){

useEffect(() => {
// Update State
}, [someMutation])
Which seems odd
cje•3y ago
you should probably do this in the mutation's onSuccess handler but also what kind of state are you updating? if it's state that you got from a tRPC query, just invalidate that query
LiamOP•3y ago
It starts as a empty array of interfaces, and then gets a new record added for each form submission So no useQuery used
cje•3y ago
so it disappears when the component unmounts?
LiamOP•3y ago
cje•3y ago
sure, i guess in that case just do onSuccess: () => setThing(thing => thing.concat(newThing)) or something like that
LiamOP•3y ago
I though I remember there being some way to do something like const res = await useMutationAsync(). Any idea if that's an option instead of callback?
cje•3y ago
there is no useMutate only useMutation both useMutation and useMutationAsync don't actually mutate untill you run the mutate function
LiamOP•3y ago
Sorry, that's what I meant
cje•3y ago
this is good, otherwise they would mutate as soon as the component renders
LiamOP•3y ago
Ok, think I found what I am looking for here:
Mutations | TanStack Query Docs
Unlike queries, mutations are typically used to create/update/delete data or perform server side-effects. For this purpose, TanStack Query exports a useMutation hook. Here's an example of a mutation that adds a new todo to the server:
LiamOP•3y ago
Thanks for the help @cje!
cje•3y ago
yes that will work 🙂 i don't think you're really avoiding rerenders though but if that wasn't the main point then this is a good solution
LiamOP•3y ago
Yeah, I would have preferred if no re-render was needed, but functionally this solves 90% of the problem I was running into and avoids any sort of callback/useEffect hell.

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