New to fullstack
So..uhh. New to full stack.
Are there any frameworks I should be using? Javascript, CSS or other wise?
What are states? Why does type safty matter? What are some things I should learn and deep dive in?
Whats the difference between Vue and Angular and React? What should I be using, assuming I am new and I dont want to sink a lot of time into a framework? I want an easy to use and learn framework.
How do I package and send the code I wrote for that framework to the client and they can run it?
How do I scale when I have a TON of users?
4 Replies
you sound like a complete beginner, try doing some intro courses like fullstackopen or theodinproject first, and you will have the answer to most of those questions
I'm not a complete beginner. I've written some backend database code and server code. I've made things like login, register, getting user profiles. But thats all backend, and thats only the surface. I glanced over TheOdinProject and it dosnt anwer my questions, and FullStackOpen is too darn long. It would be great if you could answer some of my questions here.
Oh, and after some research on what frameworks to use, I've settled on Vue. \
Unknown User•3y ago
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oooh. Thanks!