Using Rust with Turborepo project

Hey guys! I'm building a relatively big monorepo app. It contains NextJS app, Expo app and other parts of create-t3-turbo. However, I need to build a microservice (I'd love to have it in Rust). It's just going to be a algorithm for my backend. Is there a relatively convinent way of adding a cargo project to Turborepo? If not, is adding cargo build && cargo run to package.json dev script going to work? Or should I just create a separate project outside of the monorepo (Turborepo). Thanks!
4 Replies
barry3y ago
Well turborepo is based on workspaces in the js ecosystem It’s not supported using cargo
PiotrekOP3y ago
But does that mean that even if I configure the output paths correctly (eg. to target/*) it will cause some problems in the future? Also, if yes, is creating a new project just for that a recommended approach for such a microservice?
barry3y ago
Maybe you should try doing it 🤷‍♂️ I haven’t looked deeper into monorepos with turbo than starting one
PiotrekOP3y ago

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