PlanetScale deployments when using T3, prisma, and vercel

Hey friends! I'm working on a T3 based app that I have been working on for a while now, and I'm trying to get the production environment setup. I would like to use vercel to deploy along with PlanetScale for the database, but I'm finding a lack of information on how to deal with migrations on new deployments. My ideal scenario is that when I merge anything into my main branch on GitHub, when vercel deploys the new site it also migrates any prisma schema changes to the main PlanetScale branch. However I can't seem to find any good information on how to automate this. At the moment it seems like I need to create a planetscale branch from the cli, create a deploy-request, accept that request, then merge my PR, so vercel deploys. This just doesn't seem like the "right" way to do it. Unfortunately in every prisma/planetscale video I've watched, they always explain the initial setup, but never anything about what to do after that first deployment. I did also watch Theo's FROM 0 TO PROD FOR $0 video, but unless I missed something, he's just using prisma db push before uploading his code and is also using the dev DB for local development. Ideally I would also like to have a development DB that is used for vercel preview deployments but that is something I can figure out after I figure out the correct way to deal with the main DB deployments. I feel like this is a relatively common scenario so I'm quite confused as to why I can't find any information on it, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
4 Replies
Spaceman2y ago
I'm also trying to figure this out
Manicraft10012y ago
If you use GitHub, you can build a pipeline yourself, migrate data and set up database connections as necessary. I do the same, but with a selfhosted Gitlab instance. Vercel has some pretty amazing guides on this:
Vercel Documentation
Can I use self-managed GitLab with Vercel?
Information about using self-managed GitLab with Vercel to deploy your applications.
Manicraft10012y ago
Vercel Documentation
Deploying GitHub Projects with Vercel
​Vercel for GitHub automatically deploys your GitHub projects with Vercel, providing Preview Deployment URLs, and automatic Custom Domain updates.
Manicraft10012y ago
If you still can't find, what you're looking for, check out the CLI:
Vercel Documentation
Vercel CLI Overview
Learn how to use the Vercel command-line interface (CLI) to manage and configure your Vercel Projects from the command line.

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