Difference between Turbo and T3? When to use create-t3-turbo vs create-t3-app?
If create-t3-turbo is simply the T3 stack + mobile development, should I always just create-t3-turbo because it leaves open the possibility of making it a mobile app later on?
If not, is there a way to easily add the mobile functionality to a codebase that uses the normal T3 Stack?
5 Replies
Depends if you want a mini repo.
It's not spesifically for mobile dev
Last time I used cta turbo I gutted most of the packages
Wdym by mini repo?
turborepo is a monorepo tool and service by vercel, which may have too much stuff you don't need at first
and create-t3-turbo is built on top of turborepo
If you havent used any of those technologies separately, I recommend doing that first so you get familiar with everything... then just use t3-turbo if you know you need it and why
Oh okay that makes sense. Thanks a lot!