Order results by a nested relation's DateTime with Prisma

I have a Conversation model which has one-to-many relationship with Messages. I want to order the conversations by the most recent message, but it seems Prisma doesn't have a way to do this??? I need pagination so I can't do this after querying either, so is my only solution to write the SQL myself? I get the love for Prisma, but there are so many things missing 🙃
2 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User•3y ago
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AmosOP•3y ago
That's the other way around Using that example I would want to sort an author by their latest post I had to do
const limit = input.limit ?? 25;
const { cursor } = input;

const offset = cursor ? Prisma.sql`OFFSET ${cursor}` : Prisma.empty;

const conversations = await ctx.prisma.$queryRaw<(Conversation & Message)[]>`
SELECT c.id, c.subject, m.authorName, m.body, m.bodyHtml, m.createdUtc, m.isExternal
SELECT lm.conversationId, MAX(lm.createdUtc) AS created
FROM Conversation as lc
JOIN Message as lm ON lm.conversationId = lc.id
GROUP BY lm.conversationId
) as l
JOIN Conversation as c ON c.id = l.conversationId
JOIN Message as m ON m.conversationId = l.conversationId AND m.createdUtc = l.created
ORDER BY m.createdUtc DESC
LIMIT ${limit + 1}

let nextCursor: number | undefined = undefined;

if (conversations.length > limit) {
nextCursor = (cursor + 1) * limit;

return {

let nextCursor: typeof cursor | undefined = undefined;

if (conversations.length > limit) {
const nextItem = conversations.pop();
nextCursor = nextItem!.createdAt;
const limit = input.limit ?? 25;
const { cursor } = input;

const offset = cursor ? Prisma.sql`OFFSET ${cursor}` : Prisma.empty;

const conversations = await ctx.prisma.$queryRaw<(Conversation & Message)[]>`
SELECT c.id, c.subject, m.authorName, m.body, m.bodyHtml, m.createdUtc, m.isExternal
SELECT lm.conversationId, MAX(lm.createdUtc) AS created
FROM Conversation as lc
JOIN Message as lm ON lm.conversationId = lc.id
GROUP BY lm.conversationId
) as l
JOIN Conversation as c ON c.id = l.conversationId
JOIN Message as m ON m.conversationId = l.conversationId AND m.createdUtc = l.created
ORDER BY m.createdUtc DESC
LIMIT ${limit + 1}

let nextCursor: number | undefined = undefined;

if (conversations.length > limit) {
nextCursor = (cursor + 1) * limit;

return {

let nextCursor: typeof cursor | undefined = undefined;

if (conversations.length > limit) {
const nextItem = conversations.pop();
nextCursor = nextItem!.createdAt;
I suck at SQL so I have no idea if this is correct or not but it seems to work (haven't tried the pagination part yet)

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