google next-auth error: invalid_client even if client id is correct

my auth was working fine but now I keep getting this error [next-auth][error][OAUTH_CALLBACK_ERROR] invalid_client (Unauthorized) { error: OPError: invalid_client (Unauthorized) at processResponse (/home/blue/Projects/tracker/node_modules/openid-server.js:157:99 { name: 'OAuthCallbackError', code: undefined }, providerId: 'google', message: 'invalid_client (Unauthorized)' } (deleted some of the error)
Errors | NextAuth.js
This is a list of errors output from NextAuth.js.
7 Replies
AniOP2y ago
I have tried reseting my credentials my auth.ts file
AniOP2y ago
import type { GetServerSidePropsContext } from "next"; import { getServerSession, type NextAuthOptions, type DefaultSession, } from "next-auth"; import GoogleProvider from "next-auth/providers/google"; import { PrismaAdapter } from "@next-auth/prisma-adapter"; import { env } from "../env/server.mjs"; import { prisma } from "./db"; import type { Role } from "@prisma/client"; import { takeCoverage } from "v8"; export interface ClubToRole { [key: string]: Role; } / * Module augmentation for next-auth types. * Allows us to add custom properties to the session object and keep type * safety. * * @see / declare module "next-auth" { interface Session extends DefaultSession { user: { id: string; // roles assign type to ClubToRole roles: ClubToRole; } & DefaultSession["user"]; } // interface User { // // ...other properties // // role: UserRole; // } }
TypeScript | NextAuth.js
NextAuth.js has its own type definitions to use in your TypeScript projects safely. Even if you don't use TypeScript, IDEs like VSCode will pick this up to provide you with a better developer experience. While you are typing, you will get suggestions about what certain objects/functions look like, and sometimes links to documentation, examples, ...
AniOP2y ago
/ * Options for NextAuth.js used to configure adapters, providers, callbacks, etc. * * @see */ export const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = { callbacks: { async session({ session, user }) { if (session.user) { =; const roles: ClubToRole = {}; // session.user.role = user.role; <-- put other properties on the session here const trackers = await prisma.tracker.findMany({ where: { userId:, }, include: { club: true } }) trackers.forEach((tracker) => { roles[] = tracker.role; }) session.user.roles = roles; } return session; }, }, providers: [ GoogleProvider({ clientId: env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, }), / * ...add more providers here. * * Most other providers require a bit more work than the Discord provider. For example, the * GitHub provider requires you to add the refresh_token_expires_in field to the Account * model. Refer to the NextAuth.js docs for the provider you want to use. Example: * * @see */ ], }; /** * Wrapper for getServerSession so that you don't need to import the authOptions in every file. * * @see */ export const getServerAuthSession = (ctx: { req: GetServerSidePropsContext["req"]; res: GetServerSidePropsContext["res"]; }) => { return getServerSession(ctx.req, ctx.res, authOptions); };
Options | NextAuth.js
Environment Variables
GitHub | NextAuth.js
GitHub returns a field on Account called refreshtokenexpires_in which is a number. See their docs. Remember to add this field to your database schema, in case if you are using an Adapter.
Next.js | NextAuth.js
AniOP2y ago
I've been awake for a while so sorry if I missed anything my auth was working and now just isn't update I have now tried with multiple accounts credentials it still throws the same error
lyricaldevil14mo ago
Did you ever figure out what the issue was here? I have the same issue - google auth suddenly stopped working despite seemingly nothing changing.
Wiznet14mo ago
Also experiencing this issue
tobsai14mo ago
I have also seen this issue. I have an older t3 app I setup a year ago that doesn't have this issue. I have the same setup as the old one. I can see the bearer token coming back correctly from the Google response in the network trace and the cookie looks correct. I'm not sure where else to look.

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