PostgreSQL: Best pgAdmin4 Alternative?

Very frequently I need to query the DB, I have pgAdmin4 deployed to web and it works fine but is tow major issues are driving me to find a new solution. 1. Autocomplete just sucks. 2. Query editor is lacking basic functionality’s (can’t move up rows for example). Most of you are probably using Prisma exclusively or one of the new managed databases with great UIs. Not the case for me… Any ideas? 💡 Thanks for helping || reading.
11 Replies
cje3y ago
datagrip is the best but not free
stunaz3y ago
Beekeeper Studio
Amit3y ago
If you just need a GUI tool to easily query the DB, I think you can try Hasura Community Edition.
parapheen3y ago
I find DBeaver a good replacement for pgAdmin. But it takes time to get used to UI
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Endgame10133y ago
+1 for TablePlus
MendyOP3y ago
Thank you everyone for the recommendation. You've been extremely helpful. @Parapheen I'll give a try to DBeaver as it's both open source, and has web version w docker deployment (BTW UI is nicer on web version 🤩) @cje DataGrip is amazing but like you mentioned it's costly, so it dose not make sense for my use-case. @stunaz BeeKeeper looks great but dose not a have web version. @amit13 Hasura is a fantastic (!) tool which I didn't know exists but seems a bit overkill for my use-case. (BTW I now want to search for a comparison between Hasura and SupaBase, seems like they overlap a bit) @dhansb_ @Endgame1013 TablePlus is interesting, did you know they have an IOS client as well?? crazy.. although I found a sufficient open-source alternative and I don't need an ios app so... Thanks again people 🥰 תודה עמית? 🙂
Ramazan3y ago
I’m using TablePlus and find it pretty good. The trial limits you to a single connection and a single tab at a time, which gives you a fair overview of the product. It’s also a lifetime license and not a subscription. P.s. If you have an edu email you can get DataGrip for free.
MendyOP3y ago
I did not mention this in my original post, I searched specifically for an option that can be deployed to the web and be accessed from any computer, while at the same time giving me autocomplete and convenient editor to work with. As you can see in the picture, I successfully deployed dbeaver to my server (took just a couple minutes! I love docker). Since many of you recommended TablePlus I want to also give it a try for local dev. Thank you for your help!
MendyOP3y ago
Demonstrating dbeaver web version w/ autocomplete
I use docker compose for that running postgres image and TablePlus

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