why are people not using t3 stack on production?

Ever since i found this stack i have used it in all production apps where i have the opportunity of picking a stack But whenever i see people on YouTube they all say they use t3 stack just for side project So i am wondering so am i in trouble for using t3 stack for production apps?
4 Replies
Piotrek3y ago
People use it in production - see this in docs: https://create.t3.gg/en/t3-collection#companies-using-the-t3-stack
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The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app.
Piotrek3y ago
Also, there's project called cal.com that also uses t3 Maybe not from the beginning but at least its parts There's definitely no trouble when it comes to using it in prod
nexxel3y ago
Also look at #job-posting , lots of startups using a similar stack And don't ever think you're in trouble You're an early adopter and you should be proud of that
cje3y ago
a production app is just an app that has been deployed the reason theres not a lot of production apps in this stack is that its only a few months old most apps predate it also we don't really know, because people don't necessarily tell us when they use it and finally, what is a "t3 stack app"? if it uses next.js and trpc is that good enough? if so, it's in prod at netflix

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