Next/Vercel vs. Website Builders

Possibly a long rehashed question, and I know this might not be the best channel -- I'm trying to figure out my own style as a web dev, and currently building a portfolio with lots of pro bono work, mostly for NGO's in West Africa. With limited operational costs, I always feel conflicted choosing between a website builder and hosting on vercel. The majority the work is simple navigation, which could be accomplished with SSR. Very little javascript. No auth, no login, no DB, etc. Can someone help me walk through the pros and cons? Vercel Pros: - Very cheap (free?) hosting. - I get to practice Next & React which is the whole point of the portfolio anyway.
Vercel Cons:
- Handing off to a future dev? Long term sustainability? (this is a big sticking point for me) - Building in a Headless CMS would be extra work.
12 Replies
Neto2y ago
vercel is more of a deployment platform in a sense if your content is mainly static or with small upgrades, you can consider astro (and can deploy on vercel + other providers) like this
Neto2y ago
James Ross (@CherryJimbo)
🎉 One of the best things about @Cloudflare Workers is the extremely predictable billing. 1 Million Requests? $0.50 20 Million Requests? $10 🤯 That's it. No GB-s nonsense with CPU wall time (outside of Unbound). The Bundled pricing model with @CloudflareDev Workers is so good
cdialphaOP2y ago
Ok awesome, yeah thank you. Also another noob question... Is it always preferable to build a nav bar (potentially two tier) with pure CSS over JS ?
Neto2y ago
build it with what is necessary if with only css is enough, that is good if you need js, add as you need
cdialphaOP2y ago
perhaps the better question is, what are the limitations of a pure-css nav I'm formerly a requirements engineer, so that answer cracks me up a bit. but for sure get what you mean. Thanks for the responses.
Neto2y ago
with pure-css you kinda don't have the js interactivity like need to show a dropdown? you kinda need js dynamically showing items? you need js
cdialphaOP2y ago
ok yeah makes sense. Thanks for the lead on Astro and CF workers. didn't know CF workers was so cheap.
Neto2y ago
you have lots of limitations on that but overall its dirt cheap isnt like vercel is that expensive either another option is deploying to github pages
Neto2y ago
Astro Documentation
Deploy your Astro Site to GitHub Pages
How to deploy your Astro site to the web using GitHub Pages.
Neto2y ago
idk 100% about that but its a option
cdialphaOP2y ago
any thought on handoff / long-term maintainence ? Am I married to each of these projects ? assuming so
Neto2y ago
depends a lot with that client intent, the project and what you want to do

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