Debugging TRPC issues?
Am I the only one having trouble debugging trpc code?
I am talking specifically about endpoints. I can't seem to mouse over variables / objects and it's quite difficult to debug. I am running the debugger with these options:
In this picture, my mouse is over the _apps return statement, and as you can see, nothing is showing. Also, in the Variables > Local window (object explorer), you can see that _apps is not showing.
6 Replies
The _apps only starts showing after I hit F11, going to this next line
You question isn't clear
Also consider throwing trpcError and not regular throw new error
@Lopen32 , code was created by Copilot lmao
The problem here, is that I can't seem to be able to mouse over variables/constants to see what they contain
How are you running the debugger there? can you pass along a session context?
Do you mean ctx.session?
yes exactly