Webstorm vs VS code issues

Getting an error in Webstorm that does not appear in VS code. It's a brand newly scaffolded proj, has anyone come accross this before? Argument type {getAll: BuildProcedure<"query", ProcedureParams, unknown>, hello: BuildProcedure<"query", {_config: ProcedureParams["_config"], _meta: ProcedureParams["_meta"], _ctx_out: ProcedureParams["_ctx_out"], _input_in: OverwriteIfDefined<ProcedureParams["_input_in"], inferParser<ZodObject<{text: ZodString}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {[k_1 in keyof ...<..., ...>]: ...<..., ...>[k_1]}, {[k_2 in keyof ...<...>]: ...<...>[k_2]}>>["in"]>, _input_out: OverwriteIfDefined<ProcedureParams["_input_out"], inferParser<ZodObject<{text: ZodString}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {[k_1 in keyof ...<..., ...>]: ...<..., ...>[k_1]}, {[k_2 in keyof ...<...>]: ...<...>[k_2]}>>["out"]>, _output_in: ProcedureParams["_output_in"], _output_out: ProcedureParams["_output_out"]}, {greeting: string}>} is not assignable to parameter type Router<RouterDef<RootConfig<{ctx: FlatOverwrite<object, {ctx: Unwrap<typeof createTRPCContext>}>["ctx"] extends object ? FlatOverwrite<object, {ctx: Unwrap<typeof createTRPCContext>}>["ctx"] : object, meta: FlatOverwrite<object, {ctx: Unwrap<typeof createTRPCContext>}>["meta"] extends object ? FlatOverwrite<object,
1 Reply
Max Forbang
Max Forbang2y ago
I'm having the same issue. This is very frustrating. It seems like Webstorm doesn't have support for TRPC inferred types in the same way that VSCode does. I'm curious if anyone has been able to successfully use Webstorm with the T3 stack

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