zod with post mutation stucks on a field

Hi, I finished building my form for now and on submit I can log all data properly. Now I tried to add a post mutation, so basically after clicking on submitting a post request shall be send which creates something. I also added zod for validation. Right now if I click on submit the page scroll to a specific field in this case the date input field without any error, not sure what I am missing here in my validation. This is my setup
const createInvoiceSchema = object({
address_supplement: string().nullish(),
attachment: string().nullish(), // todo
city: string().min(1, "City is required"),
client: string().min(1, "Client is required"),
country: string().min(1, "Country is required"),
customer_number: string().min(1, "Customer number is required"),
date: date(),
delivary_date: date(),
introductory_text: string().nullish(),

type CreateInvoiceInput = TypeOf<typeof createInvoiceSchema>;

export default function InvoiceCreate() {
const {
mutate: createInvoice,
} = trpc.useMutation(["invoice.create"], {
onSuccess(data) {
console.log("success", data);
onError(error) {
console.log("error", error);

const methods = useForm<CreateInvoiceInput>({
defaultValues: {
resolver: zodResolver(createInvoiceSchema),

const {
formState: { errors },
} = methods;

const onSubmit: SubmitHandler<CreateInvoiceInput> = async (data) => {
console.log("data", data);

return (
<MainContainer title="Create a new invoice">
<FormProvider {...methods}>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>


{error && (
title="Something went wrong!"
const createInvoiceSchema = object({
address_supplement: string().nullish(),
attachment: string().nullish(), // todo
city: string().min(1, "City is required"),
client: string().min(1, "Client is required"),
country: string().min(1, "Country is required"),
customer_number: string().min(1, "Customer number is required"),
date: date(),
delivary_date: date(),
introductory_text: string().nullish(),

type CreateInvoiceInput = TypeOf<typeof createInvoiceSchema>;

export default function InvoiceCreate() {
const {
mutate: createInvoice,
} = trpc.useMutation(["invoice.create"], {
onSuccess(data) {
console.log("success", data);
onError(error) {
console.log("error", error);

const methods = useForm<CreateInvoiceInput>({
defaultValues: {
resolver: zodResolver(createInvoiceSchema),

const {
formState: { errors },
} = methods;

const onSubmit: SubmitHandler<CreateInvoiceInput> = async (data) => {
console.log("data", data);

return (
<MainContainer title="Create a new invoice">
<FormProvider {...methods}>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>


{error && (
title="Something went wrong!"
3 Replies
utdevOP3y ago
I guess if it automatically scrolls to a field clicking on submit the field has validation errors? But how can I log those specific validation errors, there are currently no logs in the dev console after submitting Even if I set these fields to nullish the page still focuses on the date element on submit
date: date().nullish(),
delivary_date: date().nullish(),
date: date().nullish(),
delivary_date: date().nullish(),
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utdevOP3y ago
ok thanks for the info going to check that out hmm errors does not return anything even if I change the type from date() to string() I get the same behavior settings it to string works I think but need to find a better solution maybe transforming the string to a date before, but thanks for the help

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