Adapt create t3 for mobile backend app?
Im building a fitness application right now with nest, prisma and graphql for my backend. Ive gotten highly interested in changing my code for this specific one. Im just wondering, i also want to adapt my endpoints to a mobile app in the future, ill think if i go native code or not.
From what i see in the code, this is not possible to do with create t3, right ? Since there aren't declared endpoins ? I saw tcrp can be extended to have declarative rest endpoints, but would this still be a good solution if one was thinking about building a mobile version of the web app in the future?
Would a mobile app be able to consume the server part of this mono repo ?
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Jesus, you are right. Alright saved on my favourites and reading tonight. Thank you so much!!!
@cje i imagine for native dev, swift or kotlin, the endpoints would have to be 100% remade / reworked ?
Apples and Oranges i guess. For now i plan to do a PWA with this at Max. Ill think about the Mobile part when the Web App actually works.
look at trpc-openapi
but also maybe you're better off using gql or normal rest
Yeah for this use case I think gql would only slow me down
you can give trpc-openapi a go, but imo its an escape hatch
I'll try it. I feel as a frontend developer im closer to the area i love (frontend) with this stack than having to build first a backend and then the frontend etc.