Properly call trpc from state (Mobx, Zustand etc.)
I'm currently struggling to find the proper way to use trpc, to make an api call from a state management library such as MobX.
I'm fully aware of react-query, but because of the complexity of my use-case I decided to use MobX for some routes.
Because of the 'useQuery' function, I came up with this (ugly) code snippet:
async getData() {
const userRes = (await api.users.getMe.useQuery(undefined, {
enabled: false
if (userRes.error) {
throw userRes.error
} else if (! {
throw new Error('No data found.')
} else if (userRes.status !== 'success') {
throw new Error('Status not success.')
const data =
isAuthenticated: true,
return data;
This seems like a very hacky solution, but the best I could come up with, would be wrapping each api call in a hof, which
implements this logic to call the api.
Is there a better way?2 Replies
if you're mainly just trying to avoid dealing with hook rules, look at the vanilla client
Vanilla client | tRPC
The magic of tRPC is making strongly typed API calls without relying on code generation. With full-stack TypeScript projects, you can directly import types from the server into the client! This is a vital part of how tRPC works.
Thanks a lot!
This is exactly what I was looking for