CMS with a editor which business experts understand
I am looking for some recommendations regarding CMS to include into a next based website to empower the client to do some edits to the content itself. There seem so be a lot of competing products in this space, of which meany a re pretty similar.
10 Replies
sooo... something like ?
The Platform For Structured Content –
Sanity is the platform for structured content that lets your team work together in real-time to build engaging digital experiences across channels.
was fine for me, business people liked it a lot
Yes something like Sanity, but there are a lot of products like Sanity.
For example Strapi and Ghost
Sanity has the best free tier, so if it's a pet project etc, I'd go with that
If you are spending free investor money, idk, does your team have a recommendation?
Not really well verse in the space, but as a singular data point, I did have a good (nothing special, it worked fine) experience with sanity
Interested to see what others recommend
I would recommend Sanity too
I am looking into options for a client project
I would make the client look at 3 options and decide which one they like
Theres payload
you already have fine options collected