Local Deployoment

Hello everyone, new to the T3 stack. Am interested in using it for my company's internal intranet site. I would like to just deploy static files from NextJS to be hosted on my internal IIS server. It doesn't look like T3 is geared to that though and assumes deployment with Vercel and the like. Is what I want to do possible?
7 Replies
_pim2y ago
As long as you can proxy requests from IIS to a long-running node.js process it should be possible It’s not possible to generate static pages if that’s what you meant though, as you need a server to handle your API routes etc
Jeff Mitchell
Jeff MitchellOP2y ago
Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted to know. I'd like to just build static pages and plop them into IIS. That's what I'm doing now. I made the unfortunate choice of building with create-react-app and now need to choose something else. 😦
_pim2y ago
Ah hold on then, if your app does not have any API endpoints then you can try to generate the static assets: https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/building-your-application/deploying/static-exports
Deploying: Static Exports
Next.js enables starting as a static site or Single-Page Application (SPA), then later optionally upgrading to use features that require a server.
_pim2y ago
Although your mileage may vary, a list of unsupported features is quite long on that page
Jeff Mitchell
Jeff MitchellOP2y ago
Yeah, no API endpoints. I'll experiment and see where I can get to. Thanks for the help!
cje2y ago
first off condolences but yea you can deploy a t3 app basically anywhere you could deploy a normal next.js app (because that's all it is) i understand that serverless is still difficult for a lot of orgs, but can you get access to a server that you could throw a docker container on? ct3a runs great on docker, and we have docs for how to deploy it
Jeff Mitchell
Jeff MitchellOP2y ago
Thanks 🙂 Actually, I have no one to blame but myself, as I'm creating all these things. Inexperience sends me down a certain path, if that makes any sense. Eventually I learn the error of my ways. I wanted to do Docker, but my Windows Server version is "too old" for it (I tried to install). I could probably get NodeJS going and proxy it. I worked out how to do that with Non-Sucking Service Manager and nginx.

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