Trying to make a website builder (a Wix clone)

HI all, I am building a Wix clone, I just finished with the interface of the Page builder, but I dont know how to start making the actual functionality of it. In another words , I want to make a drag and drop for HTML elements and style them using the UI not with code. Where should I start, what should I search for?
3 Replies
I think you can build a simple version of it but not a clone, it's too much effort for one person. Essentially you're creating html and js code from drag&drop. There's much to search for since it's hardcore problem solving and programming. a simple example: you make an image drag and drop widget, when you drag it onto the body, it generates <img> tag with default attributes. then you'd need to either serlize the code or save it into the database. if you're just building it for portfolio/study, I think you can build a simple working version. but if you're trying to build a product I strongly advise against it. building this system requires lots of time just on design let alone implementation.
Diogo2y ago
GitHub - jackblatch/QuickSend: Drag and drop email builder. Manage ...
Drag and drop email builder. Manage email lists, design and develop campaigns with the custom editor and send/schedule emails. - GitHub - jackblatch/QuickSend: Drag and drop email builder. Manage e...
Diogo2y ago
You could use the same approach for the website builder as this dev used on a email builder

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