Can I use PostgreSQL as a timeseries database

Hi, I am doing a project to possibly use as my final major project at UNI...I know there are database hosting sites out there specifically for this but I am a tinkerer and was wondering if it a good idea to use PostgreSQL to store time series data. I am away that for a small scale project it doesn't matter but If I were to offer this as a full service would it end up biting me in the ass in the future.
5 Replies
tropic2y ago
The whole point of me exploring this option is just for knowledge
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cje2y ago
I agree that if this is the main focus on your project there are better options that being said we have this implemented in MariaDB at work with >10M rows and with a bit of indexing performance is not a problem 1-2 more orders of magnitude and SQL will probably not be great anymore
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tropic2y ago
I can self host that right Yes i can great I would only reach that level if i turn it into a service and then some how get all the MC community on it it is an analytics software for Minecraft, and for my project there is an option to make a database that collects data that you then have to run analysis though....I'm only going to be taking the performance and ping of all players but just wanted to use the opportunity to try out time series data Thanks for your input guys really appreciate it t3ggLove