can i export data from reactQuery?

Please i need some help here. 🙏 I fetched data[] from an API using reactQuery but the problem I'm facing here is that i need to export all the properties decontructed from reactQuery such as the data[], isLoading, error so that i can be able to use it in another component, is this possible? I name the file userData.tsx
export const UserData = () => {
const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery<User[], ErrorConstructor>("query-users", async () =>{
return await getAll()
if(error instanceof Error) return <div>Cannot fetch data</div>

if(isLoading) return <LoadingState/>

if(!data) return <div>Error occour</div>
return (
export const UserData = () => {
const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery<User[], ErrorConstructor>("query-users", async () =>{
return await getAll()
if(error instanceof Error) return <div>Cannot fetch data</div>

if(isLoading) return <LoadingState/>

if(!data) return <div>Error occour</div>
return (
3 Replies
Neto3y ago
just return the whole useQuery
export const useUserData = () => {
return useQuery(...
export const useUserData = () => {
return useQuery(...
and the component that user the hook need to handle the process itself
LekeOP3y ago
@Neto i still don't get your explanation
Neto3y ago
You export the result of the useQuery Given this hook style of function ComponentA can use const { } = useUserData ComponentB can use const { } = useUserData In the same manner I'm the brackets you have the same as a react query variables Data, isLoading, error, etc And they will "share" the same data because you use the same source from react query

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