create mysql database automatically

Hello, i was wondering what is the best way of creating a mysql database automatically. Heard may be a good option but it seems like its for larger projects and i don't really expect to have a large amount of data to begin with. Is there a better alternative or should i just go ahead and start learning Terraform
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Terraform by HashiCorp
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6 Replies
theo (
theo ( ago
What’s the use case? “Automatically creating a database” is a very loaded concept
justanameOP3y ago
My goal is to create something like where people can create there own website and i help handle there payments. To do this i planned on having a mysql database for each store so it can store payment information and things like that. The reason im not wanting it to be in 1 mysql database is because that if that database would get leaked then everyone payment information would be leaked instead of just that stores payment information.
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theo (
theo ( ago
You definitely don’t want to manage thousands of isolated databases unless you’re a database engineer You’re actually increasing the likelihood of leaks and other issues if you increase the overhead that much
justanameOP3y ago
So i just should have it all in 1 database? or just a few databases and not a database per?
theo (
theo ( ago
1 DB, maybe one prefixed table per customer Wordpress style
justanameOP3y ago
Alright thanks that makes more sense i was under the impression having it in multiple databases would be more secure and more scalable. Thanks again though ❤️

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