Angular - What about a t3 stack for the angular side
Don' be triggered by this post but... it would be cool to implement this type of “stack” not only for react (t3) and vue ecosystems (sidebase) but even for angular, and it could work! 🧐🧐
Maybe someday a lot of developers could have multiple choices using this type of stacks, even if they use different frameworks or libraries for the frontend side, to use most of the full type safe ecosystem
12 Replies
don't kill me pls
i could try to create a starter template
the most difficult thing to implement would be trpc and next-auth??
if i take reference from the tools created by the sidebase team (the vue t3 way) next-auth can be implemented
but the trpc stuff idk.. since angular doesn't have the api lambdas
trpc server and client are vanialla ts so you definitely can do it. if angular has some sort of api endpoints (lambda or not) you could likely be able to get it running
if not you would need to be able to create some TS api server using something like fastify or something and create the trpc server solution there
auth.js is a going to be a framework agnostic version of next-auth so maybe you can work on teh adapter or something for angular/whateverframework
adding to that
if you want only the trpc part of it, for some reason, the vanilla client works as a general purpose way of using trpc client
like using directly with nuxt as example
nuxt version now has a wrapped client as well so make sure you look at the right code
Thx guys
: )
Unknown User•3y ago
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I saw a version of a stack for angular even
also with promises and observables
you should check if the behaviour is fine
Unknown User•3y ago
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It is also meant to be modular and swappable with things as needed. The most valuable and CURRENT best is considered to be what is being utilized by Create T3 App, which any part is subject to change if something better or easier comes along.
Unknown User•3y ago
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I already defined it in my own words. I am always "real" bro.