Next.js metadata title template

My main layout has the example shown in the next.js documentation
export const metadata = {
title: {
default: 'Calendr',
template: `%s | Calendr`,
// etc...
export const metadata = {
title: {
default: 'Calendr',
template: `%s | Calendr`,
// etc...
In my page routes I export the following boilerplate:
export const metadata = {
title: 'Page Name'
export const metadata = {
title: 'Page Name'
The page title stays as the default. Please let me know what you think I should try, many thanks.
3 Replies
Ambushfall2y ago
Hey, template strings are not used just swap it with
export const metadata = {
title: {
default: 'Calendr',
template: '%s | Calendr',
// etc...
export const metadata = {
title: {
default: 'Calendr',
template: '%s | Calendr',
// etc...
backticks aren't required
I removed the backticks & it still doesn't work. Not sure what you mean by template strings are not used, are you saying template strings do not work? NextJS Docs
Functions: Metadata
Learn how to add Metadata to your Next.js application for improved search engine optimization (SEO) and web shareability.
Only works in server components

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