Next-Auth CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR | Webpack crashes

Hi, i'm wondering if someone could help me resolve an issue i'm having with Next-Auth. I recently created a T3 project and i've been working on moving it to my monorepo so I could create a little sandbox app for some TRPC testing and stuff. When I run my new app alone it works fine and everything is perfect, however when I move this project into my monorepo things get a bit weird, it seems that any time I attempt to access any auth routes my project just crashes without any useful errors. The only error I get is [next-auth][error][CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR] "Failed to fetch" "TypeError" (I've attached the stack as a file) and then Webpack just shits the bed without telling me why. I've attached my repo below just in-case anyone wants to read it, the project i'm trying to run in the repo is Robin. Also I noticed if I switch my auth url to i'm able to then sign in and it gets session fine, however the app will then crash on the callback.
GitHub - Rafcin/oxygen at dev
Theme and components built on Mui. Based on Airbnb. - GitHub - Rafcin/oxygen at dev
1 Reply
NvidiaOP3y ago
Update I tested this on my laptop and for some reason localhost works completely fine on my laptop, but on an Ubuntu machine it just fails.

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