Best way to pass down variables & filters from React-Query (& TRPC) to Prisma?

Say I want to get all users whose email address ends in, who have also published some posts. I know how to do this in prisma:
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
email: {
endsWith: '',
posts: {
some: {
published: true,
const result = await prisma.user.findMany({
where: {
email: {
endsWith: '',
posts: {
some: {
published: true,
But I don't know how I would dynamically put this data into react-query / trpc? I do understand how to pass simple variables, but I don't really get how I could translate a full database call like this? Is there a recommended way to go about this, that maps well onto prisma / sql?
2 Replies
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Unknown User3y ago
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plygltOP3y ago
thanks, i get how i pass things over to the router and back, but I am just wondering if there is a recommended / best way of expressing prisma queries in trpc/react query? How would I express (for example) : "get me a user whose email ends with X & who has published some posts", but not in the prisma call, but in the trpc/react-query call? How do I translate this into variables that I can put into trpc?

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