upload image using supabase

does anyone had a method to upload multiple image and save it to db using trpc endpoint? (im using supabase) thanks in advance
7 Replies
areteOP•3y ago
and how to handle images but from front end side
stanisław•3y ago
Currently there is no option to upload multiple files at once so you'll have to make a loop
// file.data is a Buffer

const promises = images.map(async file => {
const { data, error } = await supabase.storage.from('offers').upload(randomUUID(), file.data, {
contentType: file.mimetype

if (error) {
throw reply.internalServerError(error.message)

const { data: url } = supabase.storage.from('offers').getPublicUrl(data.path)

return { img: url.publicUrl }

const urls = await Promise.all(promises)
// file.data is a Buffer

const promises = images.map(async file => {
const { data, error } = await supabase.storage.from('offers').upload(randomUUID(), file.data, {
contentType: file.mimetype

if (error) {
throw reply.internalServerError(error.message)

const { data: url } = supabase.storage.from('offers').getPublicUrl(data.path)

return { img: url.publicUrl }

const urls = await Promise.all(promises)
I wrote something like this a while ago @Devastated
areteOP•3y ago
so the urls variable is array?, if so how i save it to db do i need to loop it again do i put your code above at my trpc router or in tsx file? sorry for the late reply, its night in my timezone😂 and how you upload it from frontend if you handle multiple images
stanisław•3y ago
Idk because I am not using trpc, the code above runs on my fastify backend and the urls is an array of objects { img: 'http... } In the above example I had a separate table in db so I just used prisma.offerImage.createMany and put the urls as a data`
areteOP•3y ago
So createmany accept array of object?
stanisław•3y ago
Why don't you check prisma docs @Devastated ? 🙂
areteOP•3y ago
ahh ok thankss

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