Project Structure for Design System

I'm trying to build an app as a solo dev and I built a half-ass design system but not sure how to add it to the project, and curious how other people usually handle this. Inevitably whenever I'm building an app, I need to create components and then I need to view those components so Storybook becomes necessary. Should storybook be in that same project or should it be external? I'm too cheap to publish it to a private npm package, so the next option is having a monorepo (with turbo)... which is where I'm considering it right now With a monorepo, I guess I can put multiple different apps in that monorepo and leverage the same design system which is good. But if I create a mono repo, if the component styling ever changes, maybe I'll need to create a new monorepo? Also, it seems like a monorepo makes it hard to account for different theme colors of different apps unless it's baked into the design system - like a blue-ocean theme, but if you want a pink-flamingo theme then you'd have to add it to all the components... right? Overall just want to get some opinions on how people structure their apps if it's like a saas with a number of components needed.
1 Reply
Scot3y ago
If you’re just starting out just do whatever the easiest is to make it work I’ve done “monorepo” (ie web api, readmodel, client, docs, iac, database, storybook all in same repo) without any specialised tooling and just having some scripts and it’s honestly fine

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